Define Standards and Intentions of Performance Monitoring.
1. Maximize bag life,
2. Maximize filtering efficiencies,
3. Maximize process airflow rates and,
4. Minimize mechanical downtime and associated costs.
Bag House Control Program
1. Maximize bag life:
2. Keep the hoppers empty in the bag house:
3. Make sure the dust discharge system is operating efficiently:
4. Make sure that the clean side of the bag house cell plate is spotless at all times:
a. Floor is nice and shiny. No dust at all:
b. If there is no access to the clean side (most often in bottom access pulse jet systems)…make one.
c. Plenum walls and ceiling should not be allowed to become severely corroded:
d. Make sure there are no air/water leakages around doors or wall seams.
5. Keep the ducting free of major dust build-up:
a. Plugged duct runs could change the particle size of the dust going into the bag house
b. Make sure there are no holes in the ducting.