BS 2742C:1957
The Ringelmann Smoke Chart, giving shades of gray by which the density of columns of smoke rising from stacks may be compared.
Many municipal, state, and federal regulations prescribe smoke-density limits based on the Ringelmann Smoke Chart. Although the chart was not originally designed for regulatory purposes, it is presently used for this purpose in many jurisdictions where the results obtained are accepted as legal evidence.
While the chart still serves a useful purpose, it should be remembered that the data obtained by its use is empirical in nature and has definite limitations. The apparent darkness or opacity of a stack plume depends upon the concentration of the particulate matter in the effluent, the size of the particulate, the depth of the smoke column being viewed, natural lighting conditions such as the direction of the sun relative to the observer, and the color of the particles. Since unburned carbon is a principal coloring material in a smoke column from a furnace using coal or oil, the relative shade is a function of the combustion efficiency.
While the Ringelmann Smoke Chart has many limitations, it gives good practical results in the hands of well-trained operators. However, it is questionable whether results should be expressed in fractional units because of variations in physical conditions and in the judgement of the observers.
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