
GAST "Rotary Vane Vacuum Pump"

GAST - Rotary Vacuum Pump

This is a used GAST Motor Mounted Rotary Vane (1.5 cfm). I have test this unit and it is still in a very good condition. This unit is claimed never been used. So, if anybody is interested to buy this unit please send an email for price info.

From GAST Manufacturing website;

"Rotary Vane

Available in oilless or lubricated, motor-mounted or separate drive, Gast rotary vane compressors and vacuum pumps offer a wide choice of capabilities.

• Oilless or lubricated styles will accommodate a wide variety of pneumatic applications
• Self-lubricating, self-adjusting vanes on oilless models provide like-new efficiency throughout the service life of the pump
• Motor mounted or separate drive versions allow versatility in selecting the right pump for your application
• Miniature through larger size models offer an extensive performance range to satisfy most any need."

More details on this item , please visit: http://www.gastmfg.com/pdf/rotvane/1531_series.pdf

This item tag along with GAST_vacuum pump.